C/ Bilbao,2 - Polígono Industrial San Roque. Arganda del Rey (28500) MADRID. Tel: +34 91 871 30 45 / Fax: +34 91 875 74 39



IBERICA DE REMOLQUES, S.A. was founded in 1979. We have been serving our customers for over 30 years with the clear aim of providing trailers and towbars of the highest quality, variety, service and maintenance standards.

We manufacture over 380 different trailer models for transporting luggage, 1 or 2 axle industrial models for 300 kg to 10 tons, motorbikes, quads, buggies-trucks-micro-cars, transporting cars, dogs, cattle, horses, nautical, trailers for travelling sales/fairs, refrigerated goods, transporting fuel, heavy duty equipment, lighting towers, spool carriers, tablet holders, signposts, transporting machinery and agricultural trailers.

In addition, we have our own design and engineering department which allows us to design, manufacture and standardise any customised trailer in accordance with customer specifications.

Thanks to our wide-ranging experience, we know what our customers need, which lets us develop and manufacture our products down to the last detail. We can do this as we have highly qualified personnel in all of our departments with next-gen installations installations and machinery – an example of our clear intent to provide quality and an integral service. This, together with the necessary quality certificates, has allowed us to work with various European Armies, Official Bodies and multi-nationals.

Given our great variety of models, our own logistics, points of supply, integral customer service, short delivery periods (as we have a large stock on site), great flexibility and many years of experience, we are in a position to ensure that our products are far above average.




- © IBERICA DE REMOLQUES, S.A. - Tfno: (+34) 91 871 30 45 - Fax: (+34) 91 875 74 39. Email: iremolques@ibericaderemolques.com

C/ Bilbao,2 - Polígono Industrial San Roque. Arganda del Rey (28500) MADRID.


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